by George Huber



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/30/2014

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 354
ISBN : 9781496919786
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 354
ISBN : 9781496919793
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 354
ISBN : 9781496919809

About the Book

A PATIENT’S PERSPECTIVE: There have been an increasing number of articles and books by medical professionals warning us of the hospital dangers, but very few by patients based on their personal experience. This I will guarantee; your awareness of my experience will drastically change your perception of our medical service. You will be less certain, less trusting, more perceptively critical, but safer. Hospitals kill 100,000 patients per year mostly through unintended medical errors. Medical complications following my routine procedure were so severe it resulted in horrific corrective measures exposing me to months of accumulated hospital treatment. The book portrays vividly and honestly how one is more likely to be killed in the hospital than anywhere else on the planet. So read on! That makes the hospital, our haven of wellness, the most dangerous institution in the world. The life you save may be your own – or one even more precious to you. I was fortunate (lucky enough) to survive five major surgeries, with complications, in as many years. This book describes my experience in vivid detail—with essential recommendations regarding what you need to know and do for those you care for before you become a patient.

About the Author

George Huber brings a wide range of experience, both practical and academic, to the most important issue of our day. He has been fortunate to learn from dedicated mentors, with Ivy League credentials, holding graduate degrees from both Yale and Harvard. The Forward spells out in detail how his life was dramatically influenced by this academic and practical foundation.