Spirits, Souls, and Dreams

Poetic Impressions

by Ordinary Immortal



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/15/2014

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 282
ISBN : 9781458216939
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 282
ISBN : 9781458216922

About the Book

Spirits, Souls, and Dreams: Poetic Impressions, is a collection of unique perceptions of the author derived from spirits, souls and dreams. The human experience entails living between spiritual heaven and hell, an amalgamation of both spiritual and human origin. Life demands integrating subjective spiritual information from divergent sources along with human emotions, thoughts and dreams, and interpreting this information by means of spiritually impaired objective reasoning.

Given these inherent convolutions, we are fallible in judgment and even in our own memories. It is imperative to employ the utmost judiciousness to interpersonal inferences, assumptions, and deductions and with biblical assurance, accept that our cognitive processes are abjectly compromised. It is absolutely essential to accept others without concession.

Spirits, Souls, and Dreams is a collection of poetry that reminds us that acceptance is requisite for forgiveness. Forgiveness is indispensable for true love. God is love. Love is God.

Only Can I Live To See

Only Can I Live
To See
When The Moon
Turns Red
I Can Not Imagine
Dreaming In My Bed

I Want To Fly
Above The Sea
On A Brand New Morning
And Make Clouds
My Covering

For No Reason
It’s Part Of Me.

About the Author