Standing Tall in Times Square

by Herbert Murray



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/26/2015

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 164
ISBN : 9781462410941
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 164
ISBN : 9781462410934

About the Book

It all started on June 27, 1979, when approximately seven detectives banged on my door, guns drawn. When my common-law wife, Jackie, answered the door, they burst in, yelling, “Where is Herbert Murray?” When I came into the room, they grabbed me, threw me against the wall, put a gun to my head, and told me I was under arrest for murder. In the background, I could hear my thirteen-month-old daughter, Taneé, crying like crazy. Those detectives didn’t have any regard for our lives—not my daughter’s, Jackie’s, or mine. It was the scariest thing I have ever experienced in my life. When I asked them what they were talking about, they told me to “Shut up.”

I was taken to the eighty-eighth precinct, located on DeKalb and Classon Avenues. They took me to the interrogation room, where they questioned me about a murder that took place two weeks before, on June 13, 1979. Can you imagine how confused I was? I was being charged for a murder I had no clue about. It seemed absolutely crazy. They were putting so much pressure on me that I couldn’t even think. I had to think about two Wednesdays ago. When the detectives asked me where was I on June 13, I told them I was with a housing police officer and four others: Vincent Brown, Ronnie Cook, Junior Washington, and Andrew Lambus. When I told him I was with a police officer, the detective left the room and came back about ten minutes later.

See the author in the video: “The ‘Innocent Prisoner’s Dilemma’” on (2010).

About the Author

Herbert Murray presently resides in the Bronx. He graduated from Ulster Community College with an Associate’s degree in liberal arts. While incarcerated, Murray became a model prisoner. He became the director of a youth assistance program and received numerous certificates of appreciation. Since being released from incarceration, he has worked for the Times Square Alliance. This is his first book. Murray is presently in the process of writing a second book, which will be a compilation of short writings of encouraging words.