Book of War

by Dallas S. Paskell



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/26/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 708
ISBN : 9781496918659
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 708
ISBN : 9781496918666

About the Book

Taj Odin Xavier returns home to find his father dead and his king ready to surrender the key to the city-state he’s always called home. His friends are all dead. But remnants from his travels and things found and earned along the way push the renegade army threatening Eternis to decimation. After saving the city from capture, Taj turns his aggression towards the city that let his father down; the same man that spent a lifetime serving it. He cast down the churches of all faiths, save those of Draconic origin. He allows the Draconic Order to remain prevalent in the city due to it being the dragons that come down to help him. After, he focuses his newfound aggression towards the Republic of New Magic, more specifically Marko Kane, the killer of King Gerear’s eldest son. Taj tries to utilize what heart he has left to rekindle the romance between him and Destiny but an act he deems as betrayal is too much for him. With Destiny forcing him to stay out of it, he orders a newfound ally to execute the culprit. With matters settled in Eternis, he and his new allies set sail for the Republic of New Magic; Runethedian’s first outpost against the unending ships and armies of the New Threat, sometimes called the Northern Threat. At first, he plans only to stay long enough to avenge his king’s eldest son. But then the war begins to consume him and the things the Father Vampire left inside him begin to writhe in his chest once again. This proves to Taj he’s not fully gone. But those powers prove useful in the fight against the New Threat. In the end, he ultimately decides to sail to the heart of the beast in hopes of either securing a truce or ending its life. With every passing day, Taj Odin Xavier loses more of his humanity. Will any of it remain once the war against the New Threat is over? That is, assuming he lives of course.

About the Author

Dallas returns with the second installment of the Medieval series with the Book of War. After his first book was released,(Medieval: The Book of Loss) he took time off to hone his skills and focus on continuing his story and setting. Now, he’s back with Medieval: The Book of War. The third installment, Medieval: Books of Blood and Shadows, is already written according to him. “I took time off to focus on finalizing my world and its origins. Runethedian, the pantheon from which the Medieval series takes place was finished before I ever began my series but I have three additional pantheons I had to finish for future stories. I never stopped writing. I would work on my setting and then my stories. I knew I wanted books two and three to come out relatively close together. I’m actually almost finished with my fourth book as it stands.” His passion for the ancient times and Fantasy, albeit it Dark or High Fantasy stems back from his childhood roots. He couldn’t wait to get home from football and/or wrestling practice to work on games he had such as Dragonstrike or Heroquest. His creativity started early. He always enjoyed playing games where he could name and create his own character, which is why the Final Fantasy series was among his favorites. Since the release of his first novel, he’s still continued to purse his career in mixed martial arts as both competitor and coach. He’s actively part of Team Hoger, Paradigm Training Center, Fight Lab and Kings MMA. He also admits to being an avid Tabletop Gamer with the majority of his games taking place in the same world he writes in, Thedia. “I’ve had help with its development. It was a real honor when other people asked me for information on my world because they wanted to use it as a setting for their own games.” Dallas hopes to create a collection of different series that take place all over his world. He especially hopes to explore Nevermore relatively soon. He says he is also working on a collection of short stories that take place all over the world, including all four pantheons: Runethedian, Nevermore, Alecrast and Corvana. Dungeons and Dragons was an out for him, he was the only athlete he remembers playing such games. “I had two groups of friends growing up” he said, “and I loved them both.”