Hearts from Heaven

Love from the Afterlife

by Leatrice L. Marson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/11/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 100
ISBN : 9781462410194
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 100
ISBN : 9781462410200

About the Book

Hearts from Heaven is a true story of a love that transcends life on earth. Leatrice Marson met her husband Robert in 1952 while working at a large pharmaceutical company; they married in 1953 and had three children. Over the next five decades, their life together was filled with love, adventure, and faith. Robert was asked to join the company’s international division in 1954, for which he traveled to thirty-three countries. In 1971, the company moved him and his family to Johannesburg, South Africa, to work on a special project.

The family returned to New Jersey in 1975. As their children grew and grandchildren came into their lives, Leatrice and Robert continued to live a full and happy life. A romantic husband, Robert often left a rose on the kitchen table or a small note with a heart on it for Leatrice when he left for work. Although cancer eventually took Robert’s life in 2001, he has continued to be a presence in her life. Beginning about a month after his death, Robert’s form appeared to her in church, and then other mysterious signs of his presence began happening.

As evidenced in this beautiful, heartwarming book, Hearts from Heaven, Leatrice has received many hearts from heaven from her beloved Robert. They often show up in the most unexpected ways, but always at just the right time.

About the Author

Leatrice Marson, along with her late husband, raised three children. She enjoys traveling and her church community and is a proponent of homeopathic medicine. She lives in New Jersey and Florida.