Jesus Said, “Sonia Tell All of Your Brothers and Sisters to Do Their Work.”

by Apostle Sonia Curmon



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/28/2015

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 54
ISBN : 9781496939708
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 54
ISBN : 9781496939692

About the Book

This book is about a woman who died and was given a task from God. She was allowed to come back from death to deliver God’s directive to all.

I’m writing this book for two reasons. The first is to tell all believers in the church of Jesus Christ to do your works while it is day, for when night comes, no man will be able to work. Only what we do for Christ will last. When we die, we can only take our work for Jesus with us. Naked we came into the world, and naked we will leave this world. Hebrews 9:27 says, “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.”

The second reason is to honor my parents.

I leave this book to the next generation. We have a great inheritance through Jesus our Lord and Savior.

As the angel was escorting me back to earth; I heard Jesus call my name while I was in mid air, and when I looked back Jesus was standing on the clouds. His hair was long and white as the clouds, His hair was blowing in the wind. And He spoke these words to me, “Sonia, tell all your Sisters and Brothers I said to do their Work.

About the Author

Apostle Sonia is a Brooklyn-born woman who experienced grief at a young age. She discovered that her belief in God would be all she needed.

Apostle Sonia Curmon is the founder and Senior Pastor of Abiding Love Tabernacle of Faith which is located in Ocala Florida. She also has a radio broadcast ministry every Sunday on 89.5 FM at 2:30 PM.

In 1994, God gave me a husband, Steve F. Curmon. We have been married twenty years now. In 1984 I received a promise from the Lord that Steve would be my husband and that God would save him and give him to me. I have been in the fire and storm with my husband, but through it all, God has been with me. My husband received the Lord into his life in June 2014. He is again saved and attending church with me. To God be the glory. The storm isn’t over with him, but I do have a promise from God.

God blessed me with three children:
Dr. Candice Lea Barnett
Mrs. Gloria Chandler-Shepard
Jessie Folks, aka my baby Jay
These are my heart babies. For I love them as if I had given birth to them from my heart.
Love always, Mommy