Lyle Lizard, Carlton Cricket and Marvin Mockingbird in Questionable Justice

by George W. Weber



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/16/2015

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 38
ISBN : 9781496971951
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 38
ISBN : 9781496971593

About the Book

Marvin Mocking is a bird that is very happy, who loves to sing. When Marvin’s feeling low, he will sing about almost anything. He sings high or he sings low—any season is a reason to sing. When the sun’s behind a cloud, this is a reason to celebrate. When he’s alone or with someone, he sings, even on a date. While there are others with dark and dour faces who hate, whose principles look for any reason to scowl and frown, these unhappy ones seek any reason to be low-down. Who thinks this is the way life is supposed to be. In my life I would prefer to hear a happy song rather than walk with my chin on the ground.

About the Author

George Wm. Weber, born in Chicago, September 26, 1927. I have a younger brother, Tom. I was married to my first wife at the age of seventeen. We had eight children. Our first child died soon after being born. I have four grandchildren and a great-grandchild, with another due later this year. I started to write when my wife became ill, and after a bit, I joined a couple of poetry clubs, where we read our poems and discuss them with each other. My wife passed away on December 26, 1997. I was alone for four years before seeking a new companion, who, after a bit, became my wife and companion. I continued to write, and one day I wrote a child’s tale that is the story of a cricket, lizard, and mockingbird. I continue to write what I call poetry, and that’s me!