Talent All In All

by Dr. Dragan P. Bogunovic MD



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/30/2015

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 154
ISBN : 9781504912549
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 154
ISBN : 9781504912556

About the Book

I never thought about human's talent prior to having the opportunity to read about my granddaughter’s introduction to orthopedic surgery at Washington University in St. Luis. "I knew I wanted to be a physician since fifth grade,” Dr. Lily Bogunovic. Rest is described in toto in my book. Word talent has been used in human's conversation for centuries without any deep meaning as humans talent deserve as a essential part of humans life as for every humans life direction and life purpose to be realized in period depending on the power of given talent as every electrical power that we are not able to see but only to observe it given fruits-result. What talent is no one can confirm with certainty because no one ever seen talent that is as I said like electrical power that we see not but what we see its light that is result of that invisible power. There are many different believe about what talent is and is no argument on my side because I do respect everybody's opinion and believe with assumption that talent is everybody's personal property as I do call gift that is given free but not with free responsibilities that are much expensive. Talent is as I intended to present as a power of love that is in the heart that must be born mainly in loving and carrying family where mother has essential importance together with fathers support. Born in Family and later dressed or better to say educated in education as a best way for the future of that given gift. Talent was dressed in education to be indoctrinated in society by providing adequate place for its activities. We must accept that talent is like Duracell batteries with limited lasting that must be utilize in given time. I personally worked 50 years as medical doctor to finish in time when I felt that here is no more power in my battery-my talent and that I am at present time alone in this world ready to retire. My goal is to share my experience with my children that are born with different talent to become and to enter our society ready for their life duty according to given talents. DPB.

About the Author

Born on June 12, 1930, in former Yugoslavia from mother Danica and father Peter. Married with my first and only love, Ljiljana. Trusted with two sons, Boris and Zoran, and with seven great-grandchildren—Ljiljana, Andjelka, Aleksandra, Larisa, Dimitrije, Tatjana, and Natalija. Become medical doctor 1958. Practiced medical art for fifty years, believing that in that time, being able to save some humans’ flesh. Retired in 2008 to become doctor of one patient who was my own wife. In free time able to read and meditated what brought first two books and present one that is created from many wise daily sentences. My meditation on the life of many those on first place talented and successful people and supported by personal experience with my all seven grandchildren to present in this book power of human's talent for future life for every born child upon this planet earth, and for the goodness for entire humanity. Dragan P. Bogunovic, MD, author of "Heavenly Wisdom, Talent, Imagination, Creativity and Wisdom" and "Born to be Humanist."