A Long Time Coming

Race, Inheritance and an Extraordinary Childhood Odyssey in Modern Day Britain

by J. W. Vimikh



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/11/2015

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 258
ISBN : 9781504943086
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 258
ISBN : 9781504943093
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 258
ISBN : 9781504943079

About the Book

In this forthright, agonisingly compelling semi-autobiography, penned by the son of a black African-Caribbean father and a white English mother, five decades of family struggle are unravelled. Often emotionally charged and unsentimental, the many vicissitudes in the childhood journey of Willson, the strange fruit born of this racial mixing, are examined and contextualised. The tale that emerges, one of seemingly omnipotent adversity, is a collage of hope, aspiration, and parental love spanning life in 1950s London into the new millennium. It is a striking portrait of impressions and memories of life in modern Britain. The reader will be confronted and uplifted, may wince, even cheer as this painfully angry yet forgiving, challenging yet inspiring narrative explores universal human concepts of family, child development, teenage delinquency, race, and ancestry in our rapidly evolving world.

About the Author

J. W. Vimikh is a 1950s child, born of a socially taboo relationship whose key players were subjected to vitriolic abuse, threats of violence, and community rejection. Having survived an extraordinary childhood sojourn, he became a secondary school (high school) dropout and embraced law-breaking before rediscovering education and going on to become a qualified teacher. Come the new millennium, he found himself working under the auspices of the Youth Justice Board for England and Wales with high-risk, incarcerated adolescent boys whose very behaviours he once mirrored. Such an unconventional odyssey underpins the gritty rawness and authenticity of this writer’s discourse, which explores concepts of family life, child development, teenage delinquency, race, and ancestry. Today he continues to work in public protection. Vimikh is a determined, sometimes stubborn man who, despite his life’s early challenges, has turned out to be a devoted, loving, and dedicated husband, and father of four talented children. His is a rare voice that enriches the heritage of the British Isles.