The Guardian of Nemisia

by Chris J. Berry



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/12/2015

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 244
ISBN : 9781504938679
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 244
ISBN : 9781504938686
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 244
ISBN : 9781504938662

About the Book

He turned into the lane leading to home, serenaded by the haunting sigh of the breeze in the branches of the trees above. As he ambled along, the rustling leaves above personified the sound of whispered voices. He paused and looked up the constantly changing mosaic patterns of the leaves on the swaying branches, the fleeting glimpses of sunlight down on him. He contemplated the eerie sounds, convincing himself he had allowed his imagination to run away with him. While he was standing quietly there, the muttering sounds became clearer—the names “Vicky” and “Jamie” clearly drifting down through the confusion of whispering voices.

About the Author

Since the author has written the first of his books, his continuing objective remains focused on his plan to try and help the creatures and people of our planet. When one gazes across the world, nothing seems to change, the trends on earth descending deeper into violent confrontation. Societies continue to fragment into smaller dependencies rather than unite in a common cause. A blend of disruptive weather and human catastrophic events, across the globe, not only destroys food harvests but desecrates crop areas as well. The theme of this tenth book, The Guardian of Nemisia, the fifth in the series A Voyage to Infinity, continues to expand on the author’s suppositions of the life beyond offered in the previous books. The introductions of this series, the author hopes, will provide clues that may help people to view life logically, perhaps imagine how a spirit might evolve while travelling across several physical planes similar to Earth in search of the truth. He persists in his belief that the demise facing humanity can only be addressed by a united world. The author remains dedicated toward the Maker and endeavors to guide his life by His Ten Laws.