The Land and the People

by John W. Gordon



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/30/2015

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 504
ISBN : 9781504914475
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 504
ISBN : 9781504914451
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 504
ISBN : 9781504914468

About the Book

A fast moving yarn of the Cox Family and their Catskill Mountain farm on the eve of the agricultural industrial revolution. Well-developed characters take you through a year in the lives of three generations of the Cox family. . Family relationships are rich in detail, the civil war veteran, his father and founder of the family farm Grampa Hobie, the stay at home mother Vera, the rebellious eldest son and others.

Jack explores the issues of rural farm life in the late 19th century. life. Surprisingly similar to those of today they include Man vs Nature, Man vs Man, drought, blizzard, fire, and flood. Pre Woman Suffrage issues such as the right to vote and hold political office are dissected. Health issues of the time apply to the world of today. Post-traumatic stress syndrome and healthcare for the aging are among the health subjects brought to the reader.

Politics, community infrastructure, trade, transportation, and commerce are developed in gripping and believable detail. Introduction of immigrants challenging the status quo provide an unexpected story line and plot leaving the reader in suspense. Stay tuned for part 2, the conclusion.

About the Author

Jack Gordon left Yale at 19 years old to enlist in the Canadian Armed forces. After training as a navigator-bombardier he deployed to the UK. Post Battle of Britain, he deployed to Egypt flying Wellington bombers in Montgomery's campaign against Rommel's Afrika Corp. Following Rommel's defeat he deployed to India serving under General Orde Wingate. In March 1944 he joined the USAAF 27th Troop Carrier Squadron. At the completion of his missions flying the "hump" in unarmed C-47s he was awarded the US Air Medal and the Distinguished Flying Cross. In 1945 he bought the historic David Williams farm (one of Major Andres captors preventing Benedict Arnolds betrayal of West Point) where he lives with his growing family of four generations.