The Realm

by John W Rankine



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/23/2015

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 240
ISBN : 9781504946834
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 240
ISBN : 9781504946841
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 240
ISBN : 9781504946858

About the Book

The Realm is a place that exists somewhere between the creative imagination and the rubbish bin. From the first cave drawings to the earliest stories handed down from one generation to the next, there has been a need of the Realm. James Blake and Rebecca Weise are teenage friends, both very creative individuals, who are drawn into the Realm, initially through what they believe are hallucinations of strange looking people only seen by them. It is not until discovering they are both suffering such visions that they start taking them more seriously. James finds out that Rebecca has been reported missing. During the night, James starts to think of the old cinema and his friend’s interest in a character shown on a poster on the wall outside. After suffering a strange reality when knocked unconscious, James wakes in hospital and is visited from the character seen in the poster, who to the teenagers surprise offers him an invite to the Realm and a chance to find his friend. This is the start of an incredible journey for James that takes him to a place beyond even his fertile imagination. A place where all that is thought to be impossible can become possible and where your eyes can be deceived and what you believe is not to be counted on as being real. So take up this incredible journey and be carried along with James and Rebecca to the Realm and discover for yourself what can only be described as somewhere beyond your strangest dreams.

About the Author

I have no formal qualifications and have not attended any formal training course to become an author. To me, my qualifications are far more endearing and come firstly from the love of reading books and the sensations they bring, from the texture to the unique smell of a well-read handheld novel. Then comes the pleasure brought about by the writing and completion of my own stories and the hope that one day, a novel of mine will be displayed for sale in a bookshop, proudly sitting alongside some of my favorite authors’ books. I live in a large town in Buckinghamshire, England, and for those that know the area will also know that the town and its residents have a great ambition to see our town develop from a town to a city, and like my town, my ambitions are similar in regards to wanting to develop from an unpublished author to a published one.