On the Road to Forgiveness

Experiencing Healing on the Way

by Victor D. Marshall



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/1/2015

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 276
ISBN : 9781504942997
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 276
ISBN : 9781504942980

About the Book

Each individual has been hurt emotionally, physically, psychologically, or spiritually at some point in his or her life. Although some people have been able to address their painful issue and move on, far too many persons resolve that they “will never forgive” the person who has injured them. Victor D. Marshall holds the view that people who are unable to forgive and let go of past hurts have not experienced healing. In fact, the major principle of On the Road to Forgiveness: Experiencing Healing on the Way is that “for a person to forgive, he needs to experience some degree of healing; and to experience healing, an individual needs to forgive themselves and others.” Out of this audacious perspective, Victor has developed eight principles, on which each chapter is built. Marshall then identifies five stages that every individual needs to pass through in order to experience healing and move on with his or her life. In his biblically grounded, insightful, and well-researched book, Victor uses a psycho-spiritual approach to illustrate the impact of forgiveness on our lives. A key element of this volume, On the Road to Forgiveness is the practical cases he includes to provide analytical discussions. If you are struggling with issues of forgiveness, this book identifies ways by which you can overcome “living in the past.” Victor also shares some major discoveries about the psychological benefits of forgiving others, one of which is that forgiveness contributes to the fulfillment of various psychological needs. As you turn the pages of this intriguing book, you will be helped to experience emotional freedom, be encouraged to develop your spirituality further, and ultimately grasp the importance of focusing on issues of eternal value. May the Divine One be with you on this journey!

About the Author

Victor D. Marshall has a keen passion for the ministry of intercessory prayer, emotional health, and spirituality—which are powerful pathways to deepening one’s relationship with God. He has also designed and set up the ten-week Relationship Restoration Programme aimed at assisting emotionally, and spiritually, unwell congregations, groups, and individuals in experiencing emotional wholeness. Furthermore, he organizes a series of emotional health seminars entitled A Balm in Gilead in his congregations on a yearly basis. Moreover, he is trained in special needs education, educational psychology, possesses an MA in pastoral studies, and works for the North England Conference of Seventh-day Adventists in the United Kingdom. With his dear wife, Maria, and son, Josiah, at his side, he presently pastors Doncaster, Sheffield Carterknowle and Sheffield Manor Seventh-day Adventist Churches in South Yorkshire, England.