County Rd. 35

Poetic Echoes of the W I N D

by Evelyn Dilworth-Williams



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/17/2015

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 116
ISBN : 9781504928786
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 116
ISBN : 9781504928793

About the Book

County Rd. 35: Echoes of the Wind is an inspirational, thought-provoking, challenging, and witty "imaginary gardens with real toads in them." A collection of poems self-laced with the past, the present, and the future mentions of the reality of life's realness.

About the Author

Evelyn Dilworth-Williams is a civil rights foot soldier from Birmingham, Alabama, retired certified secondary teacher, guidance counselor, and master facilitator of parenting education. She received her BA in Sociology from Miles College in Fairfield, Alabama. She also received her Master’s Degree from the University of Alabama at Birmingham in guidance and counseling. Her educational preparations included additional study in family counseling. She is certified as a parenting facilitator by Active Parenting Publishers of Atlanta, Georgia. Dilworth-Williams is the author of Panola: My Kinfolks’ Land, Morning Promises & My Evening Songs, Polishing the Apples: Children’s Poetry, Pass It On: Echoes & Shadows The Ten Cent Ride, and The Four Little Golden Girls: The Bombing That Galvanized the Civil Rights Movement, a play starring Tony Award winner Melba Moore. It was produced by Miles College in conjunction with the City of Birmingham, Alabama, and the Birmingham City Council. Her writings range from inspirational, thought-provoking, to downright humorous. Dilworth-Williams’s writing motivation is a blend of all life’s universal energy.