Now that you have received the cancer news, there is much for you to process. There is much to think about, contemplate, evaluate, reconsider, reconstruct, realign, and transform. “Loss on any scale is a time to re-evaluate your priorities,” L.D. Thompson tells us.
Intention is having a mighty purpose, a grand vision, accompanied by a determination to achieve that result: commitment. Intent is having a Yes! in your heart. Anyone who has been paying attention during the last several decades, realizes that physicists and metaphysicians have arrived at the same conclusion: Form follows thought. Intent is the mother of creation. Intention determines everything. As such, your focused thoughts have a powerful intention, a creative intent. “Your experience follows your intention,” states Doreen Virtue. And Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, in The Power of Intention, says, “Research suggests that intention on its own heals.”
There are some who will say, “Face reality! The fact is, you have cancer.” While experts say, what you focus on grows and expands. If you are constantly railing against what you consider to be the injustice of your cancer situation, you are not moving in the direction of growth and improvement. Adjust your focus (like a camera or telescope). Remember: Dr. Dyer says to “Shift from what you don’t want, to what you do want.” Don’t focus on cancer. Concentrate on your well-being.
Obsessing about your cancer, thinking only of your cancer, keeps that image in front of you. Turn away from that condition. Cancel any thoughts of cancer. Neutralize negative thoughts. Instead, think of wellness. Look only at what you hope for: health. Place your thoughts on what you want, in order to attract something different. Look beyond the mud, the muck, and mire of what-is, to what you desire. Then turn those desires into intentions. If you zero in on cancer, you get more cancer. It you center your thoughts on health, you get more health. What you imagine in your mind becomes your world, Dr. Masaru Emoto tells us. “If you express your intentions, the realization of those intentions will follow.” That’s what the Law of Attraction is all about. Your thoughts are the forerunners of your experiences; your intentions are creating your future.
Turn your hazy thoughts and wishful, hopeful desires into potent intentions. Set your recovery goals, and work toward them, without wavering. The important thing is to shift from what you don’t want, to what you do want. Keep your eye on the end result: healed and healthy. Be specific. Persistence counts. Determination counts. Hold a pit-bull, no-holds-barred attitude. Sandra Anne Taylor says that “ . . . continued action greatly expands intention. The more you undertake, the more energy you send out regarding your intention.” She further advises: “Intend the best and take positive action in every direction.” Allow yourself to be healed.
“Intention is the mother of creation,” declares Rev. Deborah L. Johnson. Your intention is key. Intend to be cured. Place all your focused energy on knowing—beyond a shadow of a doubt—that you can be healed, and will be healed. Such certainty enables you to relax, knowing health is on the way, regardless of how present circumstances may appear. Dr. Carlos Warter says that: “Intention and personal power are more potent than any manmade chemical.”
Expect the best. Expectations influence results. When you set clear intentions, focusing on them with strong emotion, and take action, you are setting up a self-fulfilling prophecy. Your intention determines everything. Keep your eye on the prize, and keep the flame in your heart burning. Dr. Eldon Taylor, author of over 300 books,
says, “The magic bullet for everything is spelled intentional effort.” Join the strong and determined ones who have made the decision to live beyond their cancer prognosis. Become one with your intention. Feel inspired.
Life proceeds out of
your intention for it.
—Neale Donald Walsch