A Strange Boy

by John L. Jewell



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/19/2016

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 398
ISBN : 9781504993388
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 398
ISBN : 9781504993364
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 398
ISBN : 9781504993371

About the Book

This is the story of Leslie's journey from a small boy to his midteens; it reveals tragedies, cruelties, and the losses he suffers, but as he grows, he acquires special skills and uses them to fight his many demons. The skills lead him to important discoveries, some dreadful and others joyful. His sister, Mary, aids his journey whilst concealing her own skills from him, until a serious brain operation forces them to trust in each other and open up. He constantly searches for answers, in particular, the truth regarding his father's disappearance in the 1950s, and thanks to their combined skills, he enlists the help of a local newspaper editor and one of his reporters who eventually discover the truth for him.

About the Author

After a lifelong career in catering, where he began as a trainee cook in the midsixties, he ascended to the level of contract manager. He gave it up to care for his wife when she became ill, and when she passed from this life, he was at odds with the world and himself. Lost and heartbroken, he searched for purpose in his life. Then John began writing at the age of sixty-two. This is his first venture into the world of literature, and it demonstrates his active imagination. His style is descriptive and somewhat romantic; he sees the story in real time as he writes and conveys those images to the reader. Authors such as Jo Nesbo (The Snowman), Kate Mosse (The Labyrinth), and Steig Larsen’s Millennium trilogy gave him inspiration and the courage to activate his own imagination in word form. He is a new and exciting writer who grips the reader and takes them on a journey through life, pain, grief and sorrow, joy and discovery; have a tissue ready if you are of the sentimental kind, he can excite you and bring tears to your eyes with his words.