The Shadow Mark

A Shadow World Novel

by Cheyenne Reed



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/24/2015

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781504933667
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781504933674

About the Book

No matter how much Galidor tries to be just another face in the crowd, his unusual physical attributes make him stand out. If his true identity is revealed, no one will accept him, and many will want to annihilate him, but not Haruko. Haruko Suzayaki possesses an extraordinary sensitivity toward emotions. Instead of being repelled by Galidor, Haruko finds herself getting drawn toward him. It does not take long for Haruko to see that Galidor is not the monster he thinks himself to be. He may possess the power of darkness, but his heart is not swathed in darkness. Since their first meeting, Galidor has put his own life on the line to rescue Haruko. He knows he is falling for someone he is not supposed to be with. However, the Apex Neuroduction Corporation is hard-pressed to stop this dark hero from protecting the one he loves.

About the Author

For seven years, Cheyenne Reed has been traveling down the rabbit hole, dreaming up magical worlds and extraordinary characters to fill her fictions. At fifteen, Cheyenne published four books through a self-publishing services website, and at seventeen, she was accepted as an author with Publish America with her book Tenshi. Now with AuthorHouse, she is publishing The Shadow Mark, the first book in her Shadow World Trilogy. Cheyenne always found her escape within the pages of fiction novels, and those adventures convey themselves not only in her writing but also in her personality. She is not only passionate but hard-working and dedicated as well. Living in the small country town of Chapel Hill, Tennessee, Cheyenne spends her spare time writing, with a hot cup of green tea. She is not only a writer but also an artist, a soccer player, and an aspiring mechanical engineer at Middle Tennessee State University.