Eggshells Unbroken

by Jan Hofer Wenaas



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/20/2016

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 296
ISBN : 9781462411733
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 296
ISBN : 9781462411740

About the Book

It is the 1960s in Lewistown, Montana, and Janie Bishop has more struggles to face than any high school senior should have to deal with. Her life changed overnight when her mom was diagnosed with cancer. But this is only the beginning of her challenges. Finding out she is pregnant is almost more than she can deal with. Will her faith and strong family values carry her through to complete her dream of becoming a teacher? This heartwarming, inspiring story reminds us if we depend on the one who is in control, our life promises to provide things we cannot begin to imagine.

About the Author

I am a busy wife, a mother of six, and a grandmother of thirteen. Retired after thirty years with the federal government, I have always had a strong urge to write a book. Life brings many challenges that allow us to grow in our faith and character. My oldest daughter, Jodi, is multi-handicapped, which has led me down wonderful paths to help her and others who are developmentally disabled. I find much joy with my family and friends. I live in Montana and appreciate all the beauty this state has to offer.