87 and Still Wandering About

by Reg Green



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/12/2016

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 88
ISBN : 9781504960854
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 88
ISBN : 9781504960861

About the Book

“Reg Green is a pitch-perfect writer and these highly-entertaining essays allow us to accompany him as he hikes along mountain trails, braves raging rapids and makes his way through a remarkably rewarding life.” —Robert Kiener, senior writer, Reader’s Digest “For nearly 50 years, I have reveled in the friendship of Reg Green. He is adventurous, funny and mischievous -- sometimes all at once. Reg is irrepressible. A transplanted Fleet Street journalist, nowadays you can find him -- if you can keep up -- hiking alone in the San Gabriel Mountains, near his home in Southern California. He sets a mean pace for a man of 87. But there is something else you must know about Reg: he is lifesaver. When his seven-year-old son, Nicholas, was murdered in Italy in 1994, Reg and his wife, Maggie, donated seven of Nicholas’s organs so others might live. Since then they have traveled the world, promoting organ donation, and many are alive as a result. Part of this book is about the extraordinary people Reg and Maggie met on their mission. But there is more: there are essays, op-eds and photographs. This is a dufflebag of a book, full of wonderful things -- full, if you will, of the essential Reg Green, bon vivant, humanitarian and writer.” —Llewellyn King, executive producer and host, White House Chronicle on PBS, and Huffington Post columnist Praise for Reg Green’s previous books: “I can think of no book that surpasses The Nicholas Effect [www.authorhouse.com] in opening the heart and changing attitudes for the common good throughout the world.” —Bud Gardner, editor, Chicken Soup for the Writer’s Soul The Gift that Heals (www.authorhouse.com): “No one has done more for public awareness in organ donation in the entire world.” —Howard Nathan, president and CEO, the Gift of Life Donor Program

About the Author

Reg Green (www.nicholasgreen.org) says that, because at eighty-six, he finds the supposed wisdom that comes with old age as elusive as ever, he decided not to wait for it any longer and instead has put into a book essays he has written in the last few years. He was formerly the chief business writer of the London Daily Telegraph, but after hours, his wide interests took him to every section of the newspaper, including sports columnist, jazz critic, book reviewer, and as a bizarre incident in one of the articles in this book illustrates, an obituary writer.