Just Think About It

by Dr. Doris J. W. Brown



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/15/2016

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 148
ISBN : 9781504961288
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 148
ISBN : 9781504961271

About the Book

This book is designed to share some information that will require you to think. Some things can directly apply to you and some things can be applied to others. What we think and how to think are two different things in my opinion. The way we ask questions and answer them are based on what we think. Your decisions are your process and sometimes your solution. Your interest and education can always help you make significant contributions. The terms positive and negative are all factors that can affect your thinking process. All of us will have to make decisions, and this will be our choice. Books are our selections that we choose to read. Please add this book to your list of books to read. You will find that some things will cause you think differently each time you read a page. I sincerely hope that you will enjoy the information that features short thoughts and perhaps some memories. I would like to say thank you in advance for reading all my books.

About the Author

My name is Dr. Doris J. W. Brown, and I lived in Michigan for over forty years. I feel that my education and life were additionally enhanced in the great state of Michigan. What I learned and what I experienced were benefits about real life and people. I have numerous accomplishments that allow me to understand work, honesty, honor, and the process of moving forward. Michigan allowed me to be a person who dreamed and granted me the opportunity to move forward. The world knows that Michigan’s economy changed the lives of millions of people. I became one of those people who moved to another place to open a new chapter in life. I moved to Mobile, Alabama, and I have seen some very different things here that I did not see in the great state of Michigan. I can truly say that my old home prepared me to understand the systems and interest of this state called Alabama. I decided that I wanted to seek the office of mayor in this town. I did not win this election to become the next mayor. However, what I learned and experienced were easy to understand because the great state of Michigan and the schools I attended served as a road map for a journey that was incomplete. Today I’m listed in the following books: Who’s Who in Entertainment, Who’s Who in the Midwest, Who’s Who of Professional and Business Women, Who’s Who of American Women, the Who’s Who of the Oxford Registry, the Madison List of Who’s Who, and Who’s Who in the World. I served as an appointee under the honorable John M. Engler of Michigan and received several awards from community and a special award from the US Air Force.