
A Quiet Journey of Perseverance

by Parvaneh Saatchi



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/8/2017

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 328
ISBN : 9781524686055
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 328
ISBN : 9781524686062

About the Book

Pari e human condition is demanding, and there will always be many opportunities to stand or fall. In Tehran, Iran, 1310 SH (1931 AD), Pari, motherless since birth, watches, at the age of eleven, as her father dies in her lap. e following year, she is forced to marry and move out of her father’s home by her two adult brothers. As she faces numerous challenges through the years, her father’s memory and her maternal aunt are her guides. Strangers turn out to be allies and relatives disappoint. Pari is made to enter the world of adult decisions. With turns and twists and unexpected events, she must choose grace or gripe, perseverance or apathy, love or hate. e story of Pari, among many stories of the Iranian people, was told to the author by her mother to inspire hope, courage and perseverance. Now, the author is sharing the story of Pari with you, the readers. May it serve you well.

About the Author

Parvaneh was born in Tehran, Iran, December 1964. She was the tenth of thirteen children. Her family immigrated to Canada in 1973 and switched from city to farm living. The farm was over one hundred acres of land with sixty machine-milked cows. Challenges were overcome by family support and cooperation. Parvaneh has taught piano, preschool, elementary school and presently, mathematics at the local secondary school. She and her family live in Vancouver, Canada.