Further Travels in My Eighties

An Account of Nine Travels Abroad During the Years of 2013–2015

by Dermot Hope-Simpson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/12/2017

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 190
ISBN : 9781524634384
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 190
ISBN : 9781524634391

About the Book

After my wife died, I decided to remain active, including travelling. This book is an account of the journeys I made, and it is liberally illustrated with my photographs.

About the Author

Dermot Hope-Simpson is a retired teacher and headmaster who frequently travelled with his wife to places where few other tourists are to be found. He has a keen interest in history and archaeology. Since the death of his wife, who was a well established children’s author, he has continued travelling, sometimes going to even more unusual places. He has lectured in various societies and is a room guide at Montacute House, a large National Trust Elizabethan manor house. He is also very active in church matters, still serving on his diocesan synod, and the standing committee of his deanery synod.