Salvation Chronicles

Guardians of Earth

by Chris Puttock



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/12/2018

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 204
ISBN : 9781524666804
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 204
ISBN : 9781524666811
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 204
ISBN : 9781524666828

About the Book

Salvation Chronicles – Guardians of Earth is a story of love, war and betrayal set in the near future. When a war between the Guardians of Avalon and the Demons of Duat ended nearly three and a half thousand years prior no one would have ever believed that in a modern human society; that the war after the war would ever exist. But after a daring and deadly attack on Salt Lake City this war not only explodes onto the scene but devastates mankind’s way of life. As the Guardians charge into the defense of humanity, led by Michael Saint; this war soon reveals not all is as it seems. As Michael and his commander’s fight for the foothold in the new war they must learn that all wars come at great cost but also how far their courage, strength and friendship to lead both Guardians and Humans to Salvation.

About the Author

I am an ambitious individual who has tried my hand at a lot of different genres of writing when trying to write film scripts for the BBC. Unfortunately none of my work ever made it onto air as I was only 16 at the time and my work still needed perfecting. But during my first year of University I was watching an interview given by Steven King and how he started out. I immediately jumped into book writing and found that I had a passion for it. Now 3 years on I release the Salvation Chronicles.