Owen Pendragon

Guild of the Round Table

by W S Markendale



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/31/2016

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 334
ISBN : 9781524667580
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 334
ISBN : 9781524667610
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 334
ISBN : 9781524667573

About the Book

Twelve-year-old Owen Evans is a normal boy living in the North Wales town of Llangollen. But strange and frightening events have begun to occur to the south, in Cornwall, with disappearing children and strange footprints, leading to terrifying images of giants with clubs apparently responsible for the kidnappings. And now the army has moved into Owen’s school. As monsters attack the United Kingdom, Owen and his friends have no idea they’re about to be dragged into a world of secrets. The group of children faces stunning revelations about their heritage and the world they live in. What’s more, they soon find they must deal with a crazed baron and an army of supernatural monsters desperate for revenge. Owen and the others must find a way to rescue the missing children and stop the baron from getting his hands on a crystal with ultimate destructive power if humanity is to remain safe and free. In this fantasy novel, as monsters attack nearby towns, a boy and his friends learn an amazing truth about themselves and soon face an evil baron’s army.

About the Author

W S Markendale was born in Manchester, England, where he grew up and was educated. As an avid fan of science fiction, he enjoyed watching and reading this genre in his spare time and always had the desire to write novels since leaving school. Now living in North Wales, he uses local towns and villages as the settings for his stories.