From a Vietnam Vet
PTSD and Me
Book Details
About the Book
Nightmares, anger, fear, flashbacks, guilt, feelings of betrayal, short memory span, forgetful. These are all just a sample of the symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) that plague the author and have challenged him since the end of his Vietnam War tour of duty in 1966. The author hopes that, by putting his words on paper and baring his deepest, darkest memories of his PTSD experiences, he can show how his writing has helped him to adjust, cope, and actually control these symptoms. The author and members of the writing group he facilitates at the Loma Linda Veterans’ Hospital have had some poetry readings at some local California colleges, libraries, and at the Loma Linda Healthcare System in Loma Linda, California. The reaction and acceptance from other veterans in the audiences has given the author a feeling of pride and happiness to see how the veterans are moved by the power of the written word. Each member of the writing group writes, shares, and has control of their own work. Their recovery journey from their writing really shows in the demeanor and actions of each member, and some have also published their own books. Others are still putting together their own books to be published in the future. The author fights through his fear of speaking in front of others and is willing to bare those feelings he writes about just to get other veterans to understand that they are not alone in their pain, and that they are not alone in life. The author feels that he is on his recovery journey, and through this book, he hopes to reach other victims and give them courage to look for professional help in their own journey.
About the Author
The author was born and raised in Texas, graduating from Roy Miller High School in Corpus Christi, Texas. The author joined the marine corps on May 28, 1962, the same day he graduated from high school. After his tour of duty with C-1-7 of the Third Marine Division in Chu Lai, Vietnam (1965–1966), the author learned the cost and the importance of the liberties and freedoms that are enjoyed in this country. After four years and an additional four-month extension as a United States Marine, he received an honorable discharge on September 27, 1966. These poems and thoughts are the author’s way of reaching out and sharing his pain and suffering with other veterans in hopes that, by baring his darkest thoughts and moments, he can reach out to them and let them see that, by putting their thoughts on paper, these thoughts can be lessened and controlled. The author, a volunteer peer support specialist, cofacilitates a writing group at the Loma Linda Healthcare System (veterans’ hospital) in Loma Linda, California, where he uses his books as a means to reach out to other members of the writing group and to other veterans to show that this is a great way to cope and adjust to pain and suffering, such as the symptoms of PTSD. AuthorHouse Publishers have published two other books titled Nightmares and Thoughts of a Vietnam Vet and Words of Gold . . . Deep from My Soul, Thoughts of Rain . . . Words of Pain, which the author wrote to help veterans and other individuals find peace and healing from their symptoms of PTSD due to traumatic events. The International Library of Poetry has published one of the author’s poems, “Young Men of Liberty,” in a book titled Twilight Musings.