Dr. Julian: What Woman Do You Want Me to Be?

A Doctor’s Gender Sexploration with Three Women

by Stephen L. DeFelice



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/9/2017

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 172
ISBN : 9781524654900
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 172
ISBN : 9781524654894
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 172
ISBN : 9781524654887

About the Book

This is a story about a bachelor Italian-born psychiatrist, now an American citizen residing in Manhattan who meets a highly attractive woman who is confused about her sexuality and is seriously contemplating suicide. Against his better judgment, he decides to take her on as his patient. Then there are the other two women—one whom the patient passionately loves and is the reason why she is contemplating suicide. As a therapeutic approach, the doctor decides to meet with both of them in his hotel suite. Then there is the third woman, a female psychiatrist who loves and tries to protect him against the other two women who both have designs on him. The story takes place during a month with the brief periodic use of drugs taken in their sexplorations.

About the Author

Stephen L. DeFelice is an internationally recognized, thought-provoking physician and authority in medicine and nutrition. He is the doctor responsible for the launch of lithium in the United States for the treatment of bipolar disease or manic depression. He, against all odds, brought us carnitine, which now saves the lives of many children. His books include Drug Discovery: The Pending Crisis, From Oysters to Insulin, Memory Loss, and The Carnitine Defense, as well as the novels Old Italian Neighborhood Values and He Made Them Young Again. Trained as an endocrinologist, he is hailed as a social philosopher and student of human behavior, including that of the sexual world. In order to understand our general sexual thoughts, fantasies, and behavior, he proposed the controversial Brain Genital Law, claiming that all sexual behavior such as sexploration is natural. This is the first of a series of novels about Dr. Julian.