Death of the Middle Class + Secular Economic Stagnation = How Trade with Communist China Is Destroying Democracy & Capitalism

How Liberal Economic Theory Has Been Misrepresented to Justify Trade with a Communist Country, and How to Save Our Way of Life Before It Goes the Way of the Soviet Union

by Mark Jeia



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/26/2017

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 126
ISBN : 9781524676797
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 126
ISBN : 9781524676803
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 126
ISBN : 9781524676780

About the Book

“A rousing call to halt trade with China and reinvigorate truly liberal economic trade policy… a complex argument shorn of hypertechnical language, composed in a breezy, informal style” –Kirkus Review “Concise, reasonable and clear exploration of one of today’s most pressing political and economic issues: international trade… unblemished by jargon characteristic of tomes proclaiming a complex economic theory” –Blue Ink Review “Despite the hefty subject matter, Death of the Middle Class is solidly written and is easy to follow, forgoing most economic jargon.” –Clarion Review The book discusses the economic problems we face in the world today, especially in developed countries, and the growing threat to western political systems. It clarifies how the established framework of liberal economics has been misrepresented to justify free trade and immigration with a large, low-wage country such as China. And it shows what liberal economic theory actually says about it – how it impacts the supply and demand balance of labour, the incentives for labour-saving technological innovation (the main driver of living standards in history), the global capitalist system for allocation of scarce resources and the normal functioning of all markets in the world. Finally, the book examines some alternative explanations and policies that have been advanced, and explains how they are at best a dangerous distraction and at worst harmful. Government spending. Monetary policy –interest rates and “QE”. “Reforms”. The role of technology. Demographics – people getting older. Inequality.

About the Author

Mark Jeia have spent many years studying finance and economics to postgraduate level. He has also worked in financial markets for several years, both in investment banks and in investment management. Over the course of his life and career, he had the opportunity to live and work in many different cities, and in many different countries. 

When you are on the front lines of today’s financial markets, you have access to a dedicated news service. This allows you to receive real-time news about relevant events as they happen. 

Over the past few years, like almost all of us, he have seen the world economy slowly descend into a fast-paced hell, and then a slow-motion train crash, on my screen, in real time. And he have seen the world’s dominant policymakers fumbling around. 

Having realized how the general academic and media debate around these problems has been seriously delaying their resolution, he have decided to offer a plain-speaking, succinct diagnosis and solution of something that many see but of which few have the courage to speak out.