Separated by the War


by Richard D. Arnold



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/24/2017

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 410
ISBN : 9781524671150
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 410
ISBN : 9781524671174
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 410
ISBN : 9781524671167

About the Book

Separated by the War: Pirates is the prequel of the Separated by the War series. It is the story of Jonah Riley, from his childhood on the Rock Farm to becoming one of the youngest sea captains, serving as a privateer interdicting pirates and Flower Society on the high seas. He left the sea to raise his family on a secluded farm far from the sea until a skirmish between Yankee and Rebel soldiers seriously injured him and killed his wife and children, and separated him from surviving members of his family. Returning to the sea, he battled the evil Flower Society and other pirates in a never-ending conflict with pirates. Learning of the survival of his children and their conflict with the Flower Society, he pursues them across the war-torn US continent. The previous books are Separated by the War: The Cave, Separated by the War: Steamboats, and Separated by the War: Wagontrains. The stories tell of the separation of the Riley family on their secluded farm, the rescue of the twin boys to be raised in the North and South, Jonah’s survival and return to the sea, and the mysterious survival and adventures of June Riley in her search for her uncle in the high desert in the Big Bend country of Texas and on to the high Rocky Mountains.

About the Author

Richard D. Arnold had a forty year career in the healthcare field, ten years as a microbiologist and thirty years as hospital administrator in small hospitals in rural Texas communities. He received his B.A. degree from the University of Texas and M.A. from Texas Christian University and is a retired Fellow in the American College of Healthcare Executives. He has traveled extensively in Texas, Arizona, and Tennessee, hiking through the deserts of Texas and Arizona and the hills and creeks of Tennessee. Many of the landmarks, firearms, and adventures were from his personal observations and tales from family members, associates/friends, and creations of his mind. He is currently retired and lives with his wife, Janice, of fifty years plus in a small rural community southwest of San Antonio, Texas. She is a retired elementary school teacher.