Let Me Have My Say

This Is Who I Am

by Rima Jbara



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/24/2019

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 94
ISBN : 9781728390000
Format : Audio
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : N/A
ISBN : 9798823085915
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 94
ISBN : 9781728389974

About the Book

Does it matter what my name is? I am a woman. Does it matter what my religion is? I believe in God. Does it matter what country I come from? I live on earth. I am talking to you. Specifically, I am talking to your mind. Do you agree or disagree with all my philosophical, psychological, and logical thoughts? Some of my thoughts might probably be nonsense and illogical. Sometimes when I think profoundly about a matter, I often come to the conclusion that there is no universal definition for sense or logic and that they vary from one person to another. My thoughts are unsettling for most people and adequate for fewer people. My words can be enticing and eerie but detailed with metaphors you can abide by on the darkest yet most hopeful times. Read me. In this book, I have quite precisely changed the modus operandi in the writing of a novel. www.rima-jbara.com

About the Author