Every Minute of the Day with the Lord


by George W. Baum



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/19/2017

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 396
ISBN : 9781524696672
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 396
ISBN : 9781524696665
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 396
ISBN : 9781524696689

About the Book

What do 0316, 1700, or 2300 mean to you? They represent time on the twenty-four-hour-clock system. They can also remind you of John 3:16, 1 Samuel 17 (the story of David and Goliath), or Psalm 23. This book has two purposes. First, it is a place you can record your favorite Bible verses and stories, and second, it can be a journal that will help you to remember those wonderful times in your life that are special to you. For example, have you ever thought about how you spend your day? Are there times in your life that are dear to you, like the times your children or grandchildren were born? How about the time of your wedding? This book will allow you to record those precious minutes as well. Using each minute of the day to record your life will provide a way for your children, grandchildren, and even your great-grandchildren the opportunity to know and remember you in a very personal and special way. They will see a day in your life that took a lifetime to fill. I hope you spend every minute of the day with the Lord. I know he spends every minute of the day with you.

About the Author

George Baum is a retired counselor from the Alabama College System. He was an adjunct professor for several colleges and universities in Alabama teaching psychology, counseling, and ethics courses. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work from Florida State University and a Master’s degree in Counseling and Psychology from Troy University. He spent 12 years in the military flying medical helicopters. He has been married to his wonderful wife Sue for almost 50 years. They enjoy teaching ballroom dancing, riding bicycles, and volunteering for various clubs and organization in their area. They have two children and four grandchildren.