Family Fireworks

A Novel

by Sandra Elizabeth Redmond



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/10/2018

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 388
ISBN : 9781546235484
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 388
ISBN : 9781546235507
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 388
ISBN : 9781546235491

About the Book

Family Fireworks is about the minds and hearts of seven people from the McFaddens/Fallsworths family who live in Minneapolis, Minnesota. They are preparing a picnic to celebrate the Fourth of July. They plan to go to Minnehaha Park for the day and will stay to watch the fireworks there that night. But there are already blazes of light and passion, ignorance and bliss, and fear and anger in their hearts because the energy of this family comes from deep ground, from the knowledge that they all must now go their separate ways. They will leave a loved home in a city they know as safe and secure. Though excited by a new adventure out west, they understand that they will not be together as a family in the same way.

About the Author

The author was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota but educated in Denver and Boulder, Colorado. She has written plays, television shows, history courses, and four novels. A traveler for many years, she has worked in Ethiopia, England, and the Middle East as well as the United States and Canada. In her fiction, she enjoys visiting places she knows but peopling them with characters she doesn’t know—or even like—until the story reveals them. That becomes as interesting as any journey she might take. In this novel, the author turns to exploring how a family interacts as they’re facing a change. This family is leaving a home, a city they knew well and are separating. They are excited about their individual futures but know that they will no longer be as close as a family. Family Fireworks is the author’s fifth novel and the first published under her full name, Sandra Elizabeth Redmond. Other fiction books can be found under S.E. Redmond or Alexandra Hayes.