The Covenant of Salt

The Story of God’s Relentless Pursuit of His People

by Nguumbur Lovette Ikongo



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/12/2019

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 142
ISBN : 9781728383453
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 142
ISBN : 9781728383446
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 142
ISBN : 9781728383439

About the Book

In the Covenant of Salt, Nguumbur takes you on a journey that will give you hope and encouragement. She explores with authority insights on Gods ways and shows by biblical examples and personal experiences how He relentlessly pursues the people He created. She breaks down in practical terms what the salting process means for us today and its relevance in navigating the painful and daunting challenges of life – from confronting and defeating giants to the art of living at the Table, to discovering your true identity and actualising your true purpose. This book is for everyone who has ever struggled with either sin or pain and thought, “God is not able or willing to help me with this.” It is for everyone who has ever been in deep crisis and cried out for help and, finding none, resigned themselves to their situation. It is for everyone who has ever been delivered from shame and disgrace, and then found themselves in the same mess all over again, no matter how hard they tried. It is for everyone who has suffered abuse, lost spouse, children, friends, job, and possessions trying to find themselves in this world. It is for everyone who finds themselves perpetually asking, “Why me? Why am I here? Will I ever make it?” Hopefully, this book will provide the answers you seek. You will discover that God is real. He is still as active and potent in our day and in our individual lives as He was in the days of the Bible. You will find that he is the healer of hearts, binder of wounds, and restorer of lost lives and fortunes. He flows through our lives and fills every part of it with His relentless and wild love. This book will not only change the way you see God in your life, it will give you hope, encourage your heart and deepen your relationship with Him.

About the Author

Nguumbur Lovette Ikongo, is the first of 8 siblings, a God lover and successful professional. She has a First degree in Animal Production from University of Agriculture Makurdi and an MBA in International Business from the UK. She also holds several professional qualifications in Banking, Accounting, International Tax, Governance and Business Management. Having served in several churches and ministries in Nigeria and the United Kingdom in various capacities including Church Administrator /Newsletter Editor and Teacher of the word, she now devotes her time to discipleship and encouraging others to develop an intimate relationship with God. The Covenant of Salt is her first book and was inspired by her personal experiences and subsequent revelations and insights from God and the Word over many years of adversity including sexual abuse, bereavement, addiction, sickness and abandonment. In her greatest moments of confusion and anguish of soul she reached out to the Church but instead of help she found only more abuse. But then Jesus and the Father took her up as a ‘babe in arms’, bringing healing and restoration of many lost years and teaching her how to stand. She now enjoys an intimate relationship with the Father and writes engagingly about her walk with him, the insights He has given about many issues of life and His relentless love and pursuit of mankind. Nguumbur has over 25years career experience in banking, project management, private sector and business. She is the founder of Prime Quorum Consulting UK Ltd a management consulting firm in Milton Keynes and Mnena Lupus Foundation (MLF), a charity for helping the poor and victims of Lupus disease and their families. She is also an avid supporter of various ministries and kingdom initiatives. She loves travelling, journaling and spending quality time with her daughter and two sons.