A Commentary

The Book of Genesis

by Dr. John Thomas Wylie



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/3/2018

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 376
ISBN : 9781546246374
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 376
ISBN : 9781546246381

About the Book

Genesis (the beginning) is the seed plot of the Word of God. Beginning is Greek, signifying “birthplace,” and the principal word in the Hebrew of Genesis is deciphered as “first and foremost”—words that show both the degree and cutoff points of the book. It discloses to us the start of everything with the exception of God. Something else to see is that it tells just of beginnings. There is no irrevocability here. Upon its certainties, the future disclosure of God to man is developed. Satan seems to have extraordinary hostility for the book of Genesis. No big surprise that the adversary has bowed his assaults upon it. It uncovered him as the foe of God and the double-crosser of mankind. It prognosticates his devastation. It delineates his fate (Genesis 3). Without Genesis, our insight into a making God would be sadly restricted. We would be woefully uninformed of the start of our lives and the universe. We have noticed Satan’s explanations behind assaulting the glorious book. Its creation by Moses, its logical exactness, and its strict declaration to human sin considered as noncompliance to God have all been severely pounced upon. The Word of God, notwithstanding, certainly announces Genesis to be one of the living prophets conveyed to Moses. To its reliable truth and its declaration to the Messiah, our Lord Jesus set his seal (John 5:46–47).

About the Author