“Whisper of a Kiss” is a dramatic love story that begins as a common narrative of a marginalized young man, Kyle, bestowed with God-given gifts, but as yet unaware of the greatness that sleeps within him. One person, Denise, unintentionally touches his life in some rather profound ways and this young man soars to heights of achievement and personal growth exceeding all expectations.
Since the earliest of times in teaching, learning and schools, some students are seen as shy, quiet, timid or classified as introverts. In current times young people who demonstrate a reserved or reclusive demeanor are viewed as “marginalized”. Despite the relative size of the schools or the width of the hallways, these are the students who seem to hug the walls as the move from location to location. Marginalized students are great observers of all that is going on around them, even though they generally feel detached from the energy and emotion that pervades the high school environment.
It is easy for students and faculty to ignore these students as they truly are denizens of the physical margins of the school environment, wishing not to be noticed and usually are not. It is as isolated a school existence as it would seem and just as lonely.
Many factors lead to a child, a student, becoming marginalized. Clearly, the absence of an advocate in the home is a principle contributor. The challenges brought about by the proliferation of single parent domestic settings, and the subsequent economic burdens requiring that a parent hold multiple jobs, while addressing the needs of family members, has, to some degree, limited the services of a parent to each child. We can assume the presence of parental love even in the most trying of family settings, but “time”, or better put, the absence of time for parenting for each juvenile in the home, has placed a child to be more than reasonably responsible for their every need, not including the common duty of a child to provide for the care of other children in the home.
History is replete with those who in the early years of life were known to be shy, unassuming and opaque, but who went on to lives of notability. For all with eyes to see, ears to hear and souls of caring, there are far too many young men and women who are not brought forth from obscurity and never empowered to seek the undiscovered talents of their souls.
These wonderful young people are those who often fall through the cracks of their formal education, never uncovering the promise of their lives. Unfortunately, they are often disregarded, left on the margin of a complex school society, never finding that place of belonging.
To understand the “marginalized student” we must first acknowledge that they are observers of all that swirls around them. Keen witnesses of others, they want to experience all the things that others do and often quietly celebrate the moments that other students are experiencing. Unfortunately, the marginalized begin to believe that they are NOT worthy of the basic happiness, range of emotions and high levels of achievement. It is common for them to envy others and consider the “what-if’s” of their lives, glorifying and rationalizing the absence of their perceived shortcomings, the most exquisite of which is … LOVE.
This is a tale of so many young people in today’s society who seek to understand the complexities of love and emotion in the ever burgeoning midst of conflicting influences generated by technology, and the absence of a common family language and home environment.
Love is still and always will be the most powerful of emotions, but “Whisper of a Kiss” takes you on an amazing journey, discovering that love is far more than an emotion, “love is an act of will”. Love sustains us in times of great challenge while providing moments of resplendent joy. As with all stories founded on the principle of love, it is never a straight path without exposure to the vulnerabilities made possible by love.
The character, Avril is the embodiment of many wonderful single mothers, who love and serve their children with courage. The main character in this narrative, Kyle is far more than a fictitious young man. He is the personification of many hundreds of young men who were, still are, and forever will be students of Stephen W. Hoag, most of which have been part of the Developing Tomorrow’s Professionals (DTP) program. As for “The Girl”, the woman, the inspiration, DENISE, of this love story, there can be only one.