The Saving Heritage for Awareness

Book II

by Rev. Alfred Awortwe Adams



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/14/2019

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 298
ISBN : 9781728309354
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 298
ISBN : 9781728309361

About the Book

This book is not the holy bible, neither for the purpose of studying English language and punctuations, but a book of awareness to help one in the study of the scripture to increase one’s faith. To get the best out of this book, it is recommended not to be read in series but by title. It will help married couples in their journey of marriage by applying the message of the topic about marriage. You can also find topics like, theological science of God the true light, theology simplified, marriage, why smoking cigarette, idle words, angels are corporate partners, words of wisdom (fact and true), bible companion which can be used for sermons etc. for both Christian believers and even unbelievers. This book can also be used as an important study material for bible classes both matured believers and beginners. It can also be used at seminary and colleges of theology. It gives answers to some simple questions people ask about God, the Bible, life and gives a deeper understanding in bible study on those topics found in the book. This book will emphatically increase your faith and help you to know who God is. Science and the true God is the third edition of The Saving Heritage and The Saving Heritage for Awareness, all from the same author.

About the Author