All That The River Holds

A Novel of Mystery, Suspense and Passion

by Louis Hillary Park



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/10/2019

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 482
ISBN : 9781728331409
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 482
ISBN : 9781728331393
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 482
ISBN : 9781728331416

About the Book

In the summer of 1969, men walked on the moon; Holly Lee Carter returned home in a wheelchair to save her family legacy from the Klan; and my best friend fell passionately, dangerously in love. Little did we know that first July morning when she hurtled into our staid, small town lives and gridiron dreams that nothing in who we were or what we were to become would be the same after her. And that Cattahatchie County – the last segregated one of its kind, even in Mississippi – would be transformed by fire and blood and snake venom, hard truth and desperate need, and by all other things that the river holds. – Nathan Wallace, narrator

“Park’s gripping debut novel, an unconventional love story, unfolds in KKK-controlled Cattahatchie County, Mississippi, during a violent 1969 civil rights struggle. … the author’s ability to turn a phrase, capturing, in a few words time, place and atmosphere, is a joy. Solid character portrayals, personal melodrama, a murder mystery, and unrestrained violence propel this page-turner to its explosive conclusion. … an addictive read with some final surprises.” – Kirkus Reviews

“Louis Hillary Park is one of those rare authors who spins an intelligent story driven by complex, believable characters with heartbeats a reader can hear.” – New York Times bestselling author John Ramsey Miller, author of THE LAST DAY.

About the Author

Louis Hillary Park is an award-winning journalist with stops at newspapers in Mississippi, Louisiana and Florida. He left print journalism in 2005 to move into the digital word of web content production, web site management and social media marketing. He is an eighth-generation Southerner with deep roots in Mississippi, Tennessee and Louisiana. He and his wife, Joyce, live in Palm Beach County, Florida.