If You Worry About Money, You Will Always Be Broke

A Pathway to A Mental, Physical, and Financial Prosperity

by Teresa A Dunbar



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/20/2019

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 130
ISBN : 9781728311104
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 130
ISBN : 9781728311098

About the Book

In this book, Teresa shares her story about how some unwelcomed words of wisdom changed her whole outlook on how she viewed her financial situation. After taking to heart those ten little words her uncle imparted onto her, she understood what she needed to do to change everything she had come to know. She is now happier and wiser about her financial future. And she wants you to be happier and wiser too.

About the Author

Teresa A. Dunbar is a naïve of Chicago and a graduate of Northwestern University. She also has an MBA from the University of Phoenix. She raised her son as a single parent living paycheck to paycheck until a visit from her uncle changed her life. His words of wisdom inspired her to wake up and see things in a different light. In this book, she is sharing that wisdom with you in hopes that you too find your way. She a true believer that the way you think is the way it will be. She believes if you keep worrying about what you don’t have, you won’t have. She has been practicing what she preaches for over 30 years. She has inspired her family and friends to rethink, restructure and redesign their thinking toward a more prosperous life. She continues her journey through this mental, physical, spiritual, and financial path through life and she welcomes you to come along. If you have found this book to be beneficial and have found that it has helped you think more positive about your life, please share your thoughts at worrynot2day@gmail.com.