In Suspension
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About the Book
People kept coming through the doors, anticipating more comic antics by Ninja Paddy. Setting up the DJ equipment and securing a microphone to its stand with masking tape were Ninja's ritual duties. Sound-check theatrics were embellished with fake Elvis tones and some irritating fingernail taps to interrupt the bass cacophony of the crowd. Then came a request for attention in a low, sombre voice. 'Ladies and gentlemen, a moment of your time please... Most of you are aware of the events that took place this evening. Scary times, my friend, scary times indeed, but I'd like to pay tribute to the elderly man that lived next door to the scene of that trouble.' The Extroverts erupted, called out the Suit's name,and initiated a loud soccer chant that invaded the whole bar, gaining momentum to become a frenzied conga rhythm with lyrics that no one group could comfortably agree on before it thankfully withered away to allow Ninja to continue his address. 'Now settle down, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to pay tribute to the Suit, a good man, a true gent. Most of you knew his corner over there and his polite, gentle voice-of-reason ways. But unfortunately, our elderly friend passed away in the early hours of this morning.'