Obvious Intentions

by Reanna Jadine Quintanilla



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/5/2019

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781728321608
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781728321622
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781728321615

About the Book

The shade is of darkness it is somewhere you never want to be. That’s anger, sadness, rejection, retaliation. Violence should never be (cross-examination). The lighter shade is where you’d find your strengths and habitual enticements in a barricade. Though, prematurely gapped. There’s still a connection. It’s where you’re at. Where you want to be. And where you’re headed to. That’s where you’ll see. That’s the train of thought you want to be. Streaming with positive musical notes to act for solitary confinement. Will bring you back. No violent acts. No negativity. No hostility. Be confident you have the works of prosperity. Fear is an illusion from a careless hope. Just like anger. It’s not me. I am intelligence eluding from prelexical destiny. You are the light that I see. The love I’ve carried within. The soul I long for. The love I will forever endorse for. Carry my love in your walk therefore. The bright pages are where you’ll see the facts. From beginning to end where it brings you to see the circumstances that guides you to all acts. And the perceptuality that rises hope to convey your hopes and dreams. Stay intact. Don’t let anger take you through danger. For knowledge simplicity is where you’re tapered. The bright pages is in front of you strengthening you like a laser beam. Through your eyes connected to your ears you see the light. No guesses. All facts. Reality. Where you’re in control of everything. Knowledge simplicity. Oral and verbal accountability. Environmentally friendly sow seeds that will benefit you. The key to a successful relationship is having trust in each other. Having a good support system is also needed. God makes it possible to overcome obstacles.

About the Author