The Boy Who Sees No Color

by Golden Love



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/13/2019

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 24
ISBN : 9781728338620
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 24
ISBN : 9781728338637

About the Book

Young eight year old Tory is like most kids, lighthearted, unbiased and charismatic. He enjoys being around any and everyone no matter their differences. What he didn't expect was a kid in class making fun of his different color socks. That was enough to cause frustration and embarrassment but what did Tory do? He used the opportunity to shine and proudly profess his inability to see color, which is the one thing that made him different from others. In this book you'll learn: • It’s not nice to make fun of others • It's ok to be different • Embracing people and their differences is ok

About the Author

Golden Love (Nikki) was born in Orlando, Florida. She was raised in Birmingham, Alabama and Centralia, Illinois. As an adult, she later migrated to Houston, Texas in 2004 where she continued raising her children to adulthood. God, Family, friends, and unconditional love is what motivates her to be her best. She’s currently a Project Manager in Houston, TX for a software company and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business/Information Systems Technology. As a humanitarian, she is the founder of Single Parent Families Battling Cancer Foundation changing one life at a time by assisting the needs of cancer patients with certain day to day assistance. While she enjoys writing and reading a variety of books, her love is poetry and in her spare time, she writes her own life experiences in the form of a book. Her goal is to impact the world one step at a time in a positive and memorable way.