What Family Does

by Vince Flecker



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/6/2020

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 144
ISBN : 9781728340517
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 144
ISBN : 9781728340524

About the Book

An unwed mother, a homeless man, a curious boy, a criminal act of violence- these have nothing in common with each other...or do they? As the story unfolds, you'll see things aren't as they first appear.... and "What Family Does" to bring about the surprising culmination of these events will not only take you by surprise, but also warms your heart.

About the Author

Vince Flecker holds a Bachelors degree from University of Indianapolis with a major in Health and Physical Education. He completed a Masters degree in Education from Butler University. Vince’s post-graduate journey started with teaching Biology at George Washington High School in Indianapolis. After five years he entered private business as an owner of a landscaping company. Sixteen years later Vince returned to the classroom at Zionsville Middle School teaching sciences, health and physical education. Along with teaching, Vince organized and led students on numerous outdoor adventure trips during the summers, with Rocky Mountain National Park being the most visited destination. He also helped lead the first Fellowship of Christian Athletes group at ZMS. In addition to teaching, Vince coached baseball, football and wrestling. Along with coaching, Vince was a wrestling official for both high school and college that spanned over forty years. Since retiring from education in 2017 Vince enjoys flipping an occasional house, various volunteer projects, fishing, camping and many other outdoor activities. As a life-long Hoosier, Vince resides in Zionsville with his bride Peggy. Both of their daughters have followed in their father’s footsteps as teachers, Jenny in public education and Rachel in private music education. Both daughters and spouses along with six grandchildren reside in Zionsville. You can contact Vince with questions about the book or for speaking engagements at vflecker565@gmail.com