The Essence of Change

Book Two of the Victors Series

by Mary Carroll



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/19/2020

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 170
ISBN : 9781728362298
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 170
ISBN : 9781728362281

About the Book

A Process of Change is the sequel to A Reunion of the Heart, and is the second book of The Victors Series: A Trilogy of Triumph. It answers the questions posed in Book One about Andrew, the patriarch of the Peters family. He has been keeping some pretty big secrets from his family and friends, and that is taking a toll on him. Now it's all coming out at once and there is nothing he can do to stop it. How will the rest of the close knit group respond when they learn everything he has been hiding? What will the impact be on each of their lives as they move forward?

About the Author

Since childhood, Mary Carroll has written poems, songs and short stories. The Victors Series is her first foray into writing fiction novels. Her style reads easily in a conversational tone, capturing the reader's attention right away. Readers will find both wit and drama in a compelling combination that maintains interest from one delightful chapter to the next. Mary Carroll is originally from Nashville, Tennessee but currently lives in Virginia. She was diagnosed with Lyme Disease in the early 2000s, so she identifies closely with the daily health struggles of her characters. She's employed full time, but always makes time for her love of writing. When she takes a break from her manuscripts, Mary Carroll loves to sing and is a fan of watching stock car racing and professional football. Her favorite way to spend time is with friends, family, her amazing boyfriend Chad, and the world's most adorable Pomeranian, Angel.