The Mayhem Dyad

The Night the Owls Slept & Norton: The Anatomy of Pain

by Stuart Miguel-Chrys



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/27/2020

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 132
ISBN : 9781728373751
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 132
ISBN : 9781728372969

About the Book

Two distinct novellas take you on a twisted ride dedicated to making you sleep a little lighter behind house alarms and locked doors. The Night the Owls Slept- Takes you down the slippery slope of greed, betrayal, corruption, theft, and murder amongst co-workers as we see that money can definitely be considered the root of all evil. Norton: The Anatomy of Pain- As detectives Guzman and Katriel race against the clock to stop a murderous vigilante, killing anything it wants with impunity. The duo must also solve the case of a dead rookie cop and Katriel’s missing daughter.

About the Author

Stuart Miguel-Chrys has been writing in various capacities for over a decade, ranging from scholarly works to short stories. Particularly fascinated by those fears and destruction personified by stress and the criminal thought process, he enjoys composing dark fiction with a tinge of humor. He currently lives and works in Florida where he draws inspiration from his experience as a counselor working with individuals possessing maladaptive and criminal behaviors. Stuart Miguel-Chrys is also the author of the suspense/thriller Low Growl available now from Lulu. Check out The Mayhem Dyad -Lounging – music playlist on