Book Details
About the Book
FOLIAGE is an assemblage of personal opinions gathered over time, referring to the observation of the human personality, and which are rated on the individual and societal platforms. With little effort and only with willingness to observe the nature of people around, everyone’s character can be easily discerned and understood for shaping an accurate opinion.. If not for other reason, perceiving and analyzing the development of the human ways of thinking, feeling, and acting, is the best way to know oneself. Various sides of the human nature gathered through observation and personal experiences are described in this book.
About the Author
Adriana Dardan was born in Cernauţi–Bucovina, in a period of peace and prosperity of Romania. She attended the school and university in Bucureşti graduating as an engineer. Privately, she studied philosophy, biology, and social sciences. She succeeded together with her family, to immigrate to the USA, where she worked as an engineer. The free time was devoted to writing, realizing five basic works: The Testimony, with a philosophic subject, Silenced Paces, a historical saga, Sporadic Thoughts, a reflective essay, Farewell, Forever, a literary fiction, and Minuet through Time, a realistic fiction.