Cooking with Mrs. Faye: SOUTHERN HOSPITALITY

by Brenda Rusley Reese



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/3/2021

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 210
ISBN : 9781665518765
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 210
ISBN : 9781665518758
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 210
ISBN : 9781665518741

About the Book

Cooking with Mrs. Faye Book #2 Southern Hospitality My Grandmother God rest her soul, worked at a cafeteria at a local trade school, where she was a head cook. Every Saturday my grannie and her four (4) friends would take turn going over one another house, they would sit around the tables quilting, eating homemade cakes and coming up with new recipes. My grannie taught my mom and her 3 sisters how to cook. At an incredibly young age I did not really want to go outside and play I wanted to hang out in the kitchen with my grannie (learning how to bake and cook). Generation has repeated itself because I have taught my 2 daughters and their daughters how to bake and cook everything from scratch as I was taught. I have decided to share these irresistible recipes (book #2) with the ones who wants a home cook meal but do not have the time to spend in the kitchen, I have made these recipes simple but fun for your entire family. This Southern hospitality cookbook has 100 mouthwatering recipes and some pictures. Contact me at (website) Phone# 1-800-780-8819 This is cookbook number 2 of 5.

About the Author

Mrs. Brenda Rusley Reese was born in Montgomery Alabama on December 27th, 1960 .She didn’t play outside often as a child , however she did enjoy staying under her Grandmother Ms. Annie Mae Rusley, where she learned how to cook different foods from scratch (homemade). She started cooking at the age of five (5). At the age of 15 Brenda meet her high school love and married him, Mr. Willie J. Reese on February 3, 1981 together they have 4 children and 17 grandchildren and 2 great grand children. They reside in North Carolina.