

Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/26/2021

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 102
ISBN : 9781665587488
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 102
ISBN : 9781665587471

About the Book

The adventures of the time witches is a sequel to the eight skulls of Teversham, after following the family line of witches through the ages to the modern times in the twentieth century, two time travelling witches journey through time and space seeking answers to many unanswered questions about their origin and about the many secrets kept by the cave dwellers of northern Scotland then known as Alba. Natasha and Crystal meet up with witches, vampires and many strange aliens as they pursue their quest with them at the start of the journey is a android called Foster, a goblin called Shimick and Shanice a teenage witch. They travel back where the witches began, at their origins in Scotland. They were said to have obtained their powers as a result of super nova in space, this caused meteors to hail from the skies containing high levels of gamma radiation, which as a rule would be harmful to anybody. The energy omitted from the rock gave them great powers that they were unable to understand or appreciate in some cases, this caused a division in the tribe of cave dwellers resulting in the introduction of two kinds of witches, the white witches who were peace lovers who used their powers for good and the dark witches who were evil and used their powers to destroy and dominate other species.

About the Author

Stephen Robert Sutton has been writing ever since he was a child, although he has dyslexia he never let it beat him. In fact it seemed to make him stronger and more determined to fight for what he wanted, which was to be an inspired author of fictitious books. Stephen has always had a vivid imagination, spending time inventing characters and story lines about ghosts, witches, vampires and any other strange creatures. Stephen studied at Netherstowe comprehensive school the teachers there said he would never get anywhere and classed him as a dreamer. He classed himself as an ambitious dreamer with a set direction to go in, he was always drawing picture that helped to describe the characters in his drawings, this included cartoons in comic style formation. But it wasn’t until Stephen went to University that he finally decided to write seriously and started the outline for cracked porcelain based on his own ward experience as a nurse, Ruth who was the main character in the story was a female version of himself, with a similar past. Since writing the series cracked porcelain Stephen has written many books under various names including Sarah Ruth Scott and Simon Robert Sinclair, his books include Blood trail across time, For the love of Charlotte, Understanding Jodie, The Harrington curse and many more. Stephen hopes to do screen plays and see his stories portrayed on the big screen, is he still a dreamer or will this be a reality for the writer with dyslexia, who knows this could be a success story waiting to happen. Stephen does claim that cracked porcelain was written partly by a female ghost called Sarah who haunted him in Sweden, she inspired him to write the story. He also claims that For the love of Charlotte was written in a similar way, inspired by ghosts who related aspects of the story to him through spirit writing.