When Home Fails

An Escape Story of a Group of migrants to America

by Demian W.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/8/2021

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 150
ISBN : 9781665534185
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 150
ISBN : 9781665534192
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 150
ISBN : 9781665534208

About the Book

As I write this story, a politician in power, somewhere, is living peacefully and lavishly in a mansion, carelessly creating policies that disfavor the “common,” to further their own ambitions. They are doing all but what they promised their citizens and threatening anyone who dares to question. Shame!

The hill finished in a marshy valley that hosted every breed of mosquito in the world. A sharp hissing sound sounded out from the grass. They may have doubted the trills they’d heard in the morning, but they knew for certain what this came from.
“Guys!” Kingsley started stepping back slowly.
“Shush!” Isa said.
“It’s over for us,” Kingsley declared.
An anaconda was submerged in the still water...
A thrilling account of a group of migrants fleeing to safety.

About the Author

Demian Wiysahnyuy (Demian. W) was born, raised and educated in West Cameroon. He finally graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Mining and Extractive Metallurgy from the Cameroon Christian University Institute in 2016. His intentions are to use any agency necessary, be it through music, books and film, to tell stories that have direct impacts on society. Demian moved to the United States, escaping the conflict that led his country into the unfortunate war, that has now been known by the world as the ‘Anglophone Crises’. It was during his time in the U.S asylum detention camps and his interaction with countless other asylum seekers, that he began writing what will become his first ever published book, ‘WHEN HOME FAILS’.