by Samuel Kirk Mills Ed.D.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/6/2022

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 124
ISBN : 9781665543286
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 124
ISBN : 9781665543125
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 124
ISBN : 9781665543132

About the Book

YOU CAN MAKE YOUR TITHING COUNT FOR YOUR GROWTH IN CHRIST. I am guessing what your question is: How can I make my tithing count for my spiritual growth in Christ? The answer is simple. This devotional guide is created to exactly get you to have that experience with your tithing! Your Tithing to Grow in Christ is more than a book you read. It is a devotional practice of tithing designed to assist you into spiritually relating to God personally in connection with the giving of your tithes at church. In using this devotional guide in preparing to give your tithes to God at church, you will experience seven devotional things in relation to God and your tithing. These seven devotional things are as follows: • Getting closer to God • Thinking about God • Praying to God • Reading about God • Honoring God • Giving to God • Hearing from God Your spiritual growth in Christ in the areas of trusting, loving, and being holy to God is almost certain with your use of the Tithing to Grow in Christ devotional guide. The Tithing to Grow in Christ devotional guide will situate you into building strong personal relations with God and to nurture the integrity of the personal presence of God in your life. The integrity of the personal presence of God is what you need to be certain about the personal influence of God in your life. Having the certainty concerning the personal influence of God in your life puts you above, calms your anxieties, reduces your stress, and gives you the peace and boldness to face any challenging situation, as it was the case with David in going out to fight with Goliath. A GROUNDBREAKING DEVOTIONAL PRACTICE OF TITHING, FOR DEVELOPING STRONG PERSONAL RELATIONS TO GOD.

About the Author

Dr. Samuel Kirk Mills is the founder and president of Global Institute for Christian Living and Growth with the satellite ministry, the Church Tithing Institute. Dr. Mills studied at Moody Bible Institute, the Wheaton Graduate School as a Billy Graham Scholar, where he graduated with the master of arts degree in educational ministries. Dr. Mills subsequently earned his doctoral degree in education from Northern Illinois University. An astute teacher and speaker in the foundations of church ministry, Dr. Mills is charting a course for pastors that would equip them with a church tithing practicum to optimize the spiritual and financial solutions in their churches—supporting local churches to thrive for the cause of Christ and His kingdom. He is married to Nana Ama, with two children, Rachel Naa Koshie and Derek Nii Odartey.