by Emilia Quinn Sears & Chris Sears



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/20/2021

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 398
ISBN : 9781665535274
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 398
ISBN : 9781665535281

About the Book

When we come across a happy narrative, we love imagining ourselves living out that story as the main character, yet, when faced with tales of human pain or suffering, we often awkwardly shy away, offer quick condolences, and say “I Can’t Imagine”. Human nature is to relish success, whimsy, and tales of happy endings. But, by avoiding those “other” stories, the painful and uncomfortable ones, we often miss out on some of life’s most important lessons. I Can’t Imagine is one of those “other” stories that will take readers through a powerful journey about a micro-preemie named Emilia Quinn Sears, who was born during a pandemic, at only 22-weeks-old, weighing just over 1 pound, with the odds of survival stacked against her. Inspired by her parents’ personal journals, passionately written to Baby Emilia, this book will take you on an epic journey of loss, love, and resilience. By the end, you will be able to imagine what it is like to fight for your child’s survival in the NICU, ultimately losing your battle and subsequently watching your world get destroyed. You will also experience the beautiful lessons and raw power of purpose that can arise from some of the worst things anyone can imagine.

About the Author

Chris Sears is a normal dude that grew up in Indianapolis, Indiana, attended Business School at Purdue University, and works as a Software Sales Executive at Salesforce. He was walking through life on a very typical middle-class existence with a happy marriage, successful career, and expecting his first child. That was until everything changed in an instant when his wife unexpectedly went into labor and delivered their daughter at 22-weeks-old and weighing in at 1 lb 1 ounce. His daughter, Emilia Quinn, survived but ultimately lost her battle for a chance at life after 39 days in the NICU. Emilia’s harrowing journey and courageous fight for a chance of life with all the odds stacked against her showed her father what real human courage and strength is, and inspired him to want to be the best Dad he could be to honor his tiny hero and carry on her legacy through his life, actions, and words.