The Good News

Victorious Living

by Tunde Fakolade Foreword by Musa Bako



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/14/2022

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781665591508
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781665591485
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781665591492

About the Book

The Good News is an inspirational guide that urges everyone to live the life they were destined to live. The book is divided into lessons, each one sparked by Scripture and supported with practical insights that will help you gain new perspectives to achieving a fulfilled life, which is especially of value in these difficult times. The author explores how to: • rediscover a life filled with hope and happiness; • make full use of the potential God has granted to you; • lean on God to overcome life’s difficulties; • enjoy the benefits of being a child of God A life lived in Jesus does not mean a life free of problems, trials or hardships. However, knowing Jesus is beside you will give you peace, strength, and assurance that sooner or later, God will turn the situation around. Life will test you, but you can overcome any struggle. Ignite your faith, help others find the Lord, and live a victorious life filled with meaning with the wisdom in this book.

About the Author

Tunde Fakolade wants to see people live a flourishing life and experience the good news that Jesus Christ can bring into their life. Every single person can enjoy the life they were destined for by recognising the role Jesus Christ can play in their lives as their Lord and Savior